• SESAW- Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare

    Chosen charity for April & August

    SESAW is an independent charity, dedicated to caring for any abandoned, sick or injured animal, domestic or wild.  All need veterinary care, some need time to settle or recover from bad experiences before being assessed.

    Regular volunteers devote time and TLC to look after new arrivals until they are ready to be re-homed or returned to their natural environment. If this is not possible due to health, age or behavioural problems, the animal remains at SESAW permanently or lives in a foster home and some of these animals are available for Sponsorship. 

  • AA Dog Rescue

    Chosen charity for May & September

    AA Dog Rescue is dedicated to saving 'pound dogs' Primarily Spanish and and here in the UK. These are dogs who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves placed in council pounds where they have 7 days in which to be claimed or go into rescue.

    Unfortunately, there are only so many rescue spaces available and when their 7 days are up, if they are still there, they are put to sleep at the pound! We do our utmost to get them out, but dogs are being put to sleep by the pounds at an average of 200 dogs per day!

    Please help us to help them!!! The lucky ones that we do get are fully assessed, neutered, vaccinated and chipped.

    AA Dog Rescue 
  • Stepping Stones Play & Learn Group

    Chosen charity for June & October

    The group was formed in 1991 following parents' requests to give all children the opportunity to play and learn together. We aim to help children understand and accept each other's differences and to enable them through play to reach their full potential. We feel that it is important for all children to have positive role models to enrich their learning experience, our nursery offers a stimulating and nurturing environment, with fully trained and experienced staff. 

    Stepping Stones Play & Learn Group 
  • Pets As Therapy

    Chosen charity for July & November

    Pets As Therapy is a national charity that was founded in 1983 by Lesley Scott-Ordish, a dog owner and passionate volunteer who understood the amazing bond between humans and animals. Today our vision is to ensure that everyone in the UK, no matter their circumstances, has access to the companionship of a friendly pet.

    We strive to enhance health and wellbeing in the community through the visits of dedicated volunteers with their temperament assessed pets. We have over 4,000 volunteers who provide a visiting service in hospitals, hospices, residential nursing homes, day care centres, mainstream and special needs schools, prisons and other establishments across the UK.

    Pets As Therapy 
  • Spaniel Aid

    Chosen charity for December

    We are a rescue and rehoming charity for spaniels and spaniel cross-breeds, which aims to help these dogs to find the best possible home in which to spend the rest of their lives.

    We offer a friendly and non-judgmental service for people wanting to rehome their dog, and a trusted and reliable option for dog wardens and vets looking for a safe placement. All our dogs go into foster homes where they are assessed, given vet checks and treatment, and then put up for adoption.

    Spaniel Aid 
  • To be anounced in January

    Our next 3 charities will be announced in the beginning of January, 10% of total sales for the month plus any events where our charity pot will be out.